Teach Me To Smile

Friday, May 20, 2011

Teach me to smile again
Because I’ve forgotten how
Your years of promises
Broke fast when you found something better
Than us
And within a few minutes
We were already behind you,
Treading water in the middle
Of an ocean of our tears
And sometimes he tells me he misses you
Sometimes the rage that’s been
Building inside him for years
Explodes because he’s been abandoned again
Left to pick up the pieces
And he’s only a child
And I can only do so much,
Only tell him you haven’t forgotten him.
You still love him,
But if I keep feeding him these lies
Will I be any better than you?
You’re drowning in fantasy,
Telling me you’re not sure it will last
But immersing yourself into it,
Giving it all of you,
Taking from us to give to him
And when the fantasy falls apart,
Unties the loose knot,
What will you have to fall back on
When you’ve already given everything away?


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