
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

 Deep rooted in shallow religion,
His eyes cold and unfeeling
Sweep the paved view,
Blurred around the edges
He was raised by the rod
And the drink,
Late night cold sweats
And teeth chattering
Have brought him to judgment, to judge,
So he does
He follows the movement of the girl
In the colorful skirt,
Allowing the wind to play lover
To her hair
She gives him a glance over
The shoulder and her
Eyes penetrate him, freeze him where he stands
She smiles, dazzling,
And he hates her
Hates her for the freedom she represents
And her happy rebellion
She couldn’t love him more,
Couldn’t need his approving gaze more
But he will refuse,
Will only hear false her voice,
Sultry sounds and warm whispers
Have been denied him
In his darkest nights
So how can they be alive
And inviting in the day?
He will never know the smell
Of fresh flowers
Or the feel of damp dirt
And grass under his feet
Because he was raised to judge
And she was raised to dance


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