Musician's love

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

That's beautiful, she thinks,
as he strums his guitar, soft voice
bubbling over the words like a soothing brook
her eyes are closed
because she doesn't need to see to believe, to love,
her foot taps softly, barely,
not really keeping the rhythm because
the rhythm is inside her soul,
singing smooth into her blood and tugging
away at her heart
she opens her eyes for a second,
watching the lines on his face melt
into his burning passion for music
her fingers twitch to touch this guitar
that he's made so heavenly with his melody
and she leans forward ever so slightly,
drinking him in
because this is their lovemaking,
their conversation, and when the song ends
their eyes meet with a knowing smile
while the oblivious applause fades into
the blurred edges of their romance


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